Why choose Wireless Internet through a WISP (Wireless internet service provider)
by Willie du Plessis
Tue, Mar 25, 25
Wireless Internet has been deployed more than copper and fibre due to quick deployment and faster turnaround time. Thus making wireless internet services available to rural and urban areas at competitive rates.
Wireless internet is deployed on demand as a solution until fibre or copper internet can be rolled out.
Currently open spectrum is used between 5180MHz and 5820MHz and also in the 2.4GHz band, requiring no frequency license. A WISP needs to apply for a ECS and ECNS license from ICASA to provide internet service to consumers.
A WISP supplies a more personal approach to customers than other major service providers. It also provides value added services required by customers, thus creating a better internet experience. Such services include web, email, printers, WIFI and desktop support. All the equipment used by a WISP are regulated.
Customers who use wireless internet has access to excessive media downloads whilst the internet cost is cheaper than most major service providers. Online gamers would rather choose a WISP than other major players. This provides more control over their gaming and allows them to report back to the WISP if there are any faults in the quality of their line.
A WISP usually gives better turnaround time when it comes to feedback and support, especially when downtime occurs, by supplying the customer with better results and experience.
Wireless equipment evolved during the past two decades from 11 Mbps throughput in 1999 to 1.2Gbps on multipoint environments in 2018, thus catering for true broadband needs and deploying last mile internet with efficiency and speed.
For a list of legal wireless internet service providers, customers can go to www.wapa.org.za. Here they can submit a coverage request and find out who can provide them with the best services and competitive prices.
The longest Point to Point commercial link in South Africa is over 140 km, running at speeds over 160 Mbps, pushing the last mile internet requirements and supplying internet to more rural users. Wireless technologies can achieve the impossible and supply customers with the best service available.
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