
Fibre Operators, Corrupt Municipalities Crushing Affordable Connectivity in South Africa
June 04, 2024

Fibre Operators, Corrupt Municipalities Crushing Affordable Connectivity in South Africa

In South Africa, the deployment of fibre networks is critically dependent on the acquisition of wayleaves, which are permissions granted by municipalities to trench roads and public spaces for infrastructure, as well as to provision aerial infrastructure like aerial fibre.

by Paul Colmer

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WiFi 6E ready to supercharge internet speeds in South Africa
May 24, 2023

WiFi 6E ready to supercharge internet speeds in South Africa

The Independent Communication Authority of South Africa (ICASA) has officially made a large tranche of additional 6E spectrum available to South African users, with immediate effect.

by Paul Colmer

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The Unsung Heroes of Internet Access in South Africa
April 14, 2023

The Unsung Heroes of Internet Access in South Africa

Internet connectivity is still relatively new in SA. It’s come on in leaps and bounds, but there are many of us who still remember the pre-Internet days of dial-up and ADSL of our recent past.

by Paul Colmer

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Ongoing power crisis threatens 5G rollout in South Africa
March 09, 2023

Ongoing power crisis threatens 5G rollout in South Africa

While 5G promises to bring many benefits to consumers, including faster download speeds, lower latency, and better network capacity, it also comes with some challenges, one of the most significant being increased power consumption.

by Paul Colmer

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Why choose Wireless Internet through a WISP (Wireless internet service provider)
August 07, 2018

Why choose Wireless Internet through a WISP

Wireless Internet has been deployed more than copper and fibre due to quick deployment and faster turnaround time. Thus making wireless internet services available to rural and urban areas at competitive rates. Wireless internet is deployed on demand as a solution until fibre or copper internet can be rolled out.

by Willie du Plessis

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Indoor Wireless (Wifi)
June 18, 2018

Indoor Wireless Internet (Wifi)

Indoor Wireless internet (Wifi) became part of people's lives and part of the utility(water and electricity) in other countries. Some can't live without it because the wifi medium is a convenient way to transfer internet and data through the air seamlessly. Obtaining the best wifi coverage is not that easy as some obstacles and elements can cause problems or even enhance the wifi signal.

by Willie du Plessis

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Wireless Internet Capped VS Uncapped
May 22, 2018

Wireless Internet Capped VS Uncapped

Wireless internet can be categorised into two major categories namely capped and uncapped.

by Willie du Plessis

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Online Wireless Gaming
April 27, 2018

Online Wireless Gaming

Online gaming has grown tremendously over the past decade, ranging from users under 10 years to users above 70 years.

by Willie du Plessis

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