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Fibre Operators, Corrupt Municipalities Crushing Affordable Connectivity in South Africa
In South Africa, the deployment of fibre networks is critically dependent on the acquisition of wayleaves, which are permissions granted by municipalities to trench roads and public spaces for infrastructure, as well as to provision aerial infrastructure like aerial fibre.
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WiFi 6E ready to supercharge internet speeds in South Africa
The Independent Communication Authority of South Africa (ICASA) has officially made a large tranche of additional 6E spectrum available to South African users, with immediate effect.
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The Unsung Heroes of Internet Access in South Africa
Internet connectivity is still relatively new in SA. It’s come on in leaps and bounds, but there are many of us who still remember the pre-Internet days of dial-up and ADSL of our recent past.
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Experience seamless connectivity and effortless management of your internet services through our intuitive mobile app, offering a wide range of features including real-time monitoring of your internet usage, comprehensive network status updates, and an array of additional functionalities designed to streamline your digital experience.
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Questions people ask about our service
First we need a filled in application form and the necessary accompanying documents (proof of income, 3 months bank statements and proof of address). If you qualify for our services, we will then do a line of sight inspection - if this is successful, we will install your internet equipment for you.
During a line of sight inspection we check if we can directly see our towers from the premises, and we decide which equipment would be appropriate for your installation.
Line of sight is crucial for stability purposes in linking your equipment to our towers; if there is no line of sight, we will not be able to provide you with Wan4U wireless internet.
You can connect as man y as you want. Although our packages are all uncapped, we only allow 100 simultaneous concurrent connections per router. As a computer connects to the internet, it uses up these connections for Windows Updates, anti-virus updates, browsing, downloads etc. Multiple computers connecting to the internet will use up these connections more quickly, and if all 100 connections are used up, you are likely to experience problems with browsing. We do supply extra connections in special cases such as large companies with large networks.
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More About Us
We are an ICASA-approved Wireless Internet Service Provider(WISP), Specialising in providing bespoke broadband services to clients, primarily in Pretoria and Thabazimbi area. We are dedicated to delivering top-tier wireless and future fibre internet services, tailored to meet the needs of both home users and businesses. Our passion for customer support and education sets us apart, as we aim to enlighten the public and internet technologies. We also offer email and web hosting services via our partner company, WebBest, and draw over 20 years of IT experience through our sister company, HomePC. Through our partner program, We extend our reach and services nationwide.
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Non profit Organisations (NPO's)
We support our local communities
Wollies Animal Shelter NPC
Wollies Animal Shelter started in 2003 from humble beginnings. The initial purpose Wollies had was to sterilize as many animals as possible.

Stop Rhino Poaching
We are actively involved the fight against rhino poaching with a national footprint for strategic funding of security initiative and ranger support on the frontlines.
In an effort to decrease the continual loss of birds, VulPro rehabilitates injured vultures with the goal always being to release every able-bodied individual to the wild.
*Only article 18a certificates
Have any questions or need support?
Proudly a member of WAPA, ICASA and FPB
As a member if the Wireless access Provider's Association (WAPA), We strictly adhere to the WAPA Code of Conduct, ensuring high standards of service and professionalism

Wireless Access Providers Association
W085 / 2010

Independent Communications Authority
1863/CECNS/APR/2021, 1864/CECNS/APR/2021, 1863/CECS/APR/2021, 1864/CECS/APR/2021

Film and Publication Board
Lisence Pending / To be announced